Mar 21, 2019
How to silence the recurring voices that say I’m not clever enough, wise enough, beautiful enough, slim enough, fit enough, rich enough etc. We all live by a script that we formed at a very young age before we had even learned to read or write properly and that script still influences much of who we are and what we do as adults today, unless, we go back to the beginning and rewrite the aspects that were never based on truth.
You’re fat, you're useless, you're clumsy, you’re ugly, you’re stupid, you’re slow, why can’t you be as good as your sister? Why aren’t you more like so and so? These become curses that whisper into our ears and guide our paths, telling us that we are not enough when really, we are enough.
Unashamed is about revisiting those scripts and rewriting them, enabling us to see ourselves for who we truly are. To see our kindness, strength, beauty and wealth of gifts and talents that make us who we are, despite our imperfections – we are good enough.