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Women What Whistle

This podcast is about not falling in line or fading away. Stories of bravery, accounts of resilience and even tales of sheer bloody-mindedness. It’s about finding our voice, and sometimes our brave, through the stories of other women who’ve had to find theirs.

Jan 30, 2020

Well due to having this horrid virus and not being able to record a podcast at all last week, I’ve had a good bit of time out and a few little revelations along the way which I thought I’d float by you in this week’s episode. Handily, just this morning I heard about a 75 year Harvard study on happiness which...

Jan 16, 2020

No matter how hard we plan and prepare, things often just go in their own direction and if we aren’t able to flex, we break! Learning to lean IN to rest and lean ON one another is vital, besides, I heard a rumour once that humans need connection – funny that! So here’s a wee chat on rolling with the punches and...

Jan 7, 2020

This week we are talking about planning, the value in setting goals and creating space for rest in our busy worlds so that we can look after our mental health, as well as our loved ones!

I do new year resolutions slightly differently these days, I wait until after January 1st and then take the entire month to...