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Women What Whistle

This podcast is about not falling in line or fading away. Stories of bravery, accounts of resilience and even tales of sheer bloody-mindedness. It’s about finding our voice, and sometimes our brave, through the stories of other women who’ve had to find theirs.

Mar 19, 2020

Well what a week! So much has happened since 7 days ago when I last recorded!!

Yesterday I had some very sad news and one of the things that I found really hard was the reminder and awareness of distance from people. I shared my sadness on Instagram not because of wanting sympathy but because now more than ever, I think...

Oct 10, 2019

Codependency is a really important one as when it comes to taking back the power and our place in life, we can so easily find ourselves in relationships where we relinquish who we are in favour of propping someone else up – it’s a clever little monster as it sneaks up on us and masquerades as true love then before...

Sep 26, 2019

Sometimes the word no is far more powerful and identity giving than the word yes, so continuing with the series Sorry Not Sorry, taking back your life and finding the freedom to be who you are, this is about boundaries. Knowing when to say yes and knowing when to say no. And knowing that no, is ok – it’s more than...

Jul 25, 2019

How many times do you find yourself descending into an argument and you can’t even remember why you’re fighting? This is a life skill that everyone needs but few master – I’m still on the journey too!

So, after a slight near miss recently I was inspired to do this as a podcast as it dawned on me that often...